
Why should you start your day with sex?


Most of men love morning sex while women are more ready for sex in the second half of the day. Certainly, all have different desires, so it is important to be attentive to each other’s needs.

In order for the relationship to remain harmonious and both partners to be equally satisfied with sexual life, quite often it is necessary to look for a compromise. If you fall into group of people that enjoy starting their day with pleasure and intimate proximity, we will tell you about advantages and some disadvantages of morning sex, as well as share some advices on how to derive the most pleasure.

Any disadvantages in morning sex?

The female body differs frommen’s by the fact that they often have no desire to have sex right after waking up in comparance with men. Many women see in morning sex more disadvantages than advantages. Often women hurry in the and as a result sex happens to be fussy as the women’s head is full of other thoughts – not to be late for work or a meeting, to plan for the day or many others.

However, it is way more pleasant replacing every morning viewing e-mail or Instagram updates with a passionate morning sex. Those that don’t have enough time for morning kisses and caress may be missing out a lot. How many times do we put a pause on the alarm just to get out of bed a bit later. After the first alarm you are not sleeping anyway so if one of the partners shows interest, why not spend this time for pleasure instead?

Quite often women worry that in pyjamas they don’t look tempting, as it would be desirable, or that after sleep the breath is not really fresh. However, the problem of breath concerns not only women – men don’t smell sweet as a mint gum in the mornings either. In this case glass of water on a bedside table will help – people need to drink water in the morning «to start» the organism anyway. It is also possible to hold near a mint lollipop. And as for a pyjama – that in sex seldom remains on the body.

It is important to note that unlike men, the woman doesn’t wake up ready for sex. If couple want to have regular sex in the mornings, then man has to pay to the woman special attention so thatshe can get horny and derive the same pleasure as the man.

Sex is good for health and pleasant mood

Morning sex is not simply a physical desire of most of men but also the occupation of having positive impact on health and overall mood. However it is only right if both of the partners are ready for it, therefor if you need more sleep then it is better to sleep.

Morning sex improves mood and raises confidence for all day. Because of happiness hormones morning sex allows you not only to feel better but also to look younger. Besides, irrespective when you are having sex, it helps to burn calories, so it is a good way of physical exercise as well that can save you on a gym membership.

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The first step to excellent sex in the morning is the right attitude

It would be silly to expect that everything will occur by itself, especially considering that desires of partners can differ. So that morning has begun perfectly, the suitable mood is necessary. Men shouldn’t expect that the partner would be excited for no reason. Embraces, gentle kisses and caress will help to get her in the right mood and will help with production of hormone of happiness as a result.

If the woman isn’t sure that she looks good, then the partner can tell her how attractive she is now. If the woman understands that she is desired even in pyjamas, without makeup and with tousled hair, she will be more likely to get excited and passionate too.

It is possible prepare for morning sex since the evening, for example, go to bed naked. If there are no pyjamas on a body, then it won’t be necessary to doubt whether you look sexy enough. Besides, if the last thing that you will see before going to bed will be a naked body of your beloved partner, then it will be simpler to wake up in the necessary mood.

If you don’t like to have sex in bright light, then don’t forget to draw curtains. Too bright light can prevent the partners from getting adjusted into the necessary mood.

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