There is a lot of talk about self love and self esteem these days and in general, we all agree that these are important. Self love and self esteem help us in shaping our personality in the right manner. They increase our confidence level and keeps emotions content. Even the government is taking the initiative to encourage self esteem in kids by removing the grading system in schools. Self love techniques are also taught in different institutes and personality development programs.
On the surface, all this seems to be a good idea but self esteem and self love don’t work in this manner. They both are interrelated. Self love grows with self esteem and to have self esteem one must love himself. A person needs to value himself to determine his contribution in society. Self love comes with self-worth.
The importance of self love and self esteem-
Self love and self esteem are the backbones of our life. Having those makes a strong foundation on which we can build a successful life. Together they guide our life and indicate the direction on which we must lead our life. There are times when we feel happy, expressive and content within us. It happens because of self love and high self esteem. Sometimes when we feel lousy and negative feelings creep in our mind then we know what is to be done.
The question is that when we know what to do? Then why most people have issues about self esteem and self love. Why do people find it so difficult to have self esteem? The misconception of people has made things complicated. The uncomfortable silence on this topic is the reason for this mess.
The reason behind is our value system. In our culture, we are taught to love and respect others but are never taught to love our self. If we do so we are tagged as selfish and ill-mannered.
Our mind attracts and processes negative feelings naturally. Having self love protects us from these negative feelings and makes us happy about what we are.
Having self love doesn’t mean you have to close all doors of criticism, rather it initiates self-criticism but in a positive manner. Nobody is perfect and we all need to grow in our life by improving our abilities. Criticizing and analyzing our past performance will help us in doing so. Self love is the thin line between self-analysis and self-negating.
Having self love and self esteem frees you from crutches of modern society where you have to get approval from others in deciding who you are? How capable you are? And what are your weak points? You don’t need this approval as everyone is unique and don’t need to be compared with others to know his strengths.
We all have faults and we can lead a happy and successful life with them. We don’t need consent to prove our skills. The desire of getting yourself approved by others is a symptom of low self esteem and confidence. To cure them you need to have antidote of self love in your mind.
Believe me practicing self love and self esteem will only make your life happy, nothing else will. Together they both will help you to become a better person both personally and professionally.