Whoever that has driven before knows that rain and traffic can be a tricky combination. However, by following a few tips, you can ride around in your car much more safely – creating a safer environment for passengers, other drivers and pedestrians as well.
Here are some precautions that every driver should take when driving on rainy days:
Be aware of the condition of the tire
Bald and unbalanced tires increase the risk for aquaplaning, which happens when a driver loses control of the car due to a lack of friction between the tire and the ground when passing through a water slide.
Therefore, it is important that the grooves of the tires are not too shallow. One tip to check for depth is to place a real coin within the groove. If the gold part of the coin is completely hidden, it means that the grooves are adequate.
Check Brakes, Air Circulation System and Cleaners
Water on the track makes braking more difficult. It is therefore important to keep up-to-date the entire brake system, including discs, cylinders, etc., and to look for a mechanic at any signal that something is wrong, such as noise or slow braking.
The air circulation system, in turn, contributes to the visibility – just like the cleaners – when the glasses fog.
Turn on the Headlight
In addition to rainy days being darker, precipitation tends to decrease visibility, especially if it is strong. So do not forget to ride with the headlights on, but in the middle light, so as not to blind the drivers that circulate around you.
Get Further Away From the Front Car
Another way to avoid accidents that can happen due to the slippery roads and the less visibility. It is recommended that you drive at least once more than you would drive on a dry day.
Water in Vehicle
In case of flooding, the Brooklyn driving school advice that you should not start the car as this may cause the engine to stop or to lose its power. Ideally, wait and tow the winch, taking the vehicle for a general overhaul after flooding.