
Tips for a Successful First-time Hike


As you travel through different cities, in and out of the state or the country, you will realize that the best way for you to enjoy your trip is by walking far from the busy cities. You will want to explore the hills and mountains, as well as the remote villages that are leading simpler, but colorful lives. You will meet a number of hikers, and their satisfied faces will make you wish you’d hike too.

Through your research, you will learn that the best places to visit require time and sweat on the trail, and you will also learn that hiking is a great mental stimulant and also an ideal exercise for overall health. But, to experience all that hiking promises, you have to do it right. In this article, we outline some of the things you need to do for the best hiking experience and a break from your stressful GAAR-related work.

Prepare for the hike adequately

You need to have a plan for all the things you will need and do when hiking. Hiking essentials include:  

Hydration: you must carry water when hiking. Getting tired on the trail could be attributed to the tough terrain or cardiovascular and muscular fatigue, but the main reason for fatigue is a dehydrated body. You should hydrate well before the hike and after.  

Right hiking gear: for day hikes, you must buy a weight-support backpack/ hiking backpack that can hold all your hiking essentials. You also need a water bottle or a hydration reserve, right hiking socks and shoes, as well as the right clothing, snacks and a communication device. You may pack some medication and other essentials like sunscreen.

Choose a hiking trail

Being your first hike, you want to choose a trail that is somewhat flat, short, and easily navigable.  An easy trail that is within your abilities ensures that you enjoy the hike and you will be open for more hiking expeditions. Just make sure that you increase the altitude of the hill or mountain gradually. Rushing to take on tough trails will not only demotivate you, but it could also leave you with injuries.

What about your hiking fears?

You could be afraid of animals or your level of fitness and your ability to navigate difficult terrains. But, you should not dwell on these fears – you should learn about ways of dealing with these fears effectively.  

Snakes and bears or spiders are top on the list of animals that make people fear hiking. If you fear any or all of these animals (or any others), you should research the habits of these animals and know how to react if you come across one of them. For instance, bears are a real threat to hikers. But, you could easily avoid an encounter by keeping food out of your bag. Wearing a bell or carrying bear spray could help.  

Regarding your fears on the fitness level, you should not push yourself mentally or physically. If you feel that two miles are all you can do, great. Do that and go back home to rest. Note that it is not a competition and how far you go does not matter as much.

Find a hiking partner

You might want to find a hiking partner and the best part is that you don’t have to know the person you hike with. In most parts of the world, some companies organize hikes, and so it is easy to go on a hike when all your friends are unavailable.

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