Home Improvement



The wrong size of the slats can be a problem too. A larger slat size will mean that you have more space between the slats and they will therefore slide on top of each other easily when they are not fixed properly

Using the wrong glue for your bamboo blinds. The glue that comes with most bamboo blinds is not the best choice for your bamboo blinds. You should use weatherproof glue, such as clear silicone or clear acrylic, which will permanently bond the two pieces of Bamboo blindsr.

Using too thin of a piece of wood to make your bamboo blinds. Bamboo has a very hardcore and needs to be mounted on solid wood or metal so that it can support itself and not break under pressure. If you’re mounting it on thin plywood or particle board, it’s going to crack when you pull on it!

Not use enough tape when mounting your bamboo blinds            so that they are tight against the wall and won’t sag over time as they get dirty from foot traffic or sunlight coming in through windows/doors during daytime hours (and no one wants their windows open all day).

The wrong size of the slats can be a problem too. A larger slat size will mean that you have more space between the slats and they will therefore slide on top of each other easily when they are not fixed properly

How to choose BAMBOO BLINDS

Bamboo blinds are the best option for people who want to block out light while they sleep. They’re also a great choice if you have a view of the city, or if you have children who need privacy while sleeping. Bamboo blinds are made from natural fibers, so they don’t block out heat or cold — which is important in warmer climates — and they’re easy to clean.

Measure your windows. Measure the width and height of each window and write it down somewhere safe. You’ll need this information later when shopping for bamboo blinds.

Look online for bamboo blinds that match your measurements. If you don’t have time to shop around, look for brands that offer free shipping with additional discounts when buying two or more sets of bamboo blinds at once.

Choose your colors! When choosing colors for your new home décor, think about what color would blend well with other colors in your room and what color would go best with your furniture pieces

How to install BAMBOO BLINDS

Here are few steps on how to install BAMBOO BLINDS

Unroll the blinds and remove the screws. If you have a double-hung window, you will need to loosen each side of the top track before removing it.

Once your window is open, it is time to hang your bamboo blind. Make sure that there are no creases in any part of the fabric and that each end is even with each end of the track.

Once you have hung all 4 sides, trim off any excess fabric and secure it with tape if necessary.

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