
How to Start Making Your Own Clothes


Making your clothes gives you the chance to be unique and shrink your carbon footprint. Discover the guide on how to start making your own clothes here.

Time to go clothes shopping! It’s always your least favorite thing to do because it costs so much money and you’ve got to spend hours walking around the mall. What if we told you that it’s not too hard for someone to make their own clothes?

All you need to do is invest in a good sewing machine, grab a sewing kit, find some patterns that you like, and choose your fabric. Once you have that, you can set to work. Keep reading to learn more about how to start making your own clothes in the comfort of your own home.

Grab the Right Equipment 

Before you can start sewing there are a few things that you’re going to need. You should invest in a good sewing machine. They seem intimidating but trust us, it’s much easier to use a sewing machine than trying to sew all your clothes by hand.

You don’t have to get an expensive one with all the trimmings but it does need to be able to handle all you throw at it. To this end, stay away from portable sewing machines. They’re cheaper, lighter, and can tackle the basics but they’re not as good for making clothes.

You’ll also need a pair of sturdy fabric scissors. These scissors are used for cutting cloth only. If you use them to cut paper you’ll dull them.

When you’re only starting out, it’s a good idea to grab a sewing kit. These kits will contain all the basics that you need such as needles, a tape measurer, thread, pins and tailor’s chalk.

A lot of them come with a pair of scissors too but they won’t take you too far. It’s a better idea to grab your own.

Sewing Patterns

There will come a time when you’re able to create your own designs using Drawing Apps for Mac. As a newbie though, sewing patterns are the way to go.

You can grab patterns from your local craft store or you can get PDFs online. All you have to do is print them and cut them out.

Once you have your pattern, you’ll pin the fabric to the pieces and cut out your design from there.

The Fabric 

The best thing you can do for yourself is to do your research when it comes to fabrics. Cotton is easy to work with but it’s not going to work for every article of clothing that you’re trying to make.

Some need heavier fabrics and some need thinner ones. As a rule of thumb, check your pattern. Most of the time they will tell you what type of fabric you should use.

When you get more practice you’ll just know. You won’t have to use the pattern as a guide.

Start With Something Simple 

If you try to start out with advanced patterns straight out of the gate, you’ll make yourself cry out of frustration. You’ve got to start yourself out with easy patterns and work your way up as you gather more experience.

Begin with making little customizations on a shirt you have. From there you can move on to making a tote bag, and so on and so forth.

Don’t Be Afraid to Visit a Thrift Store

When buying fabrics, don’t be afraid to head to the thrift store. They may not have spools of fabric sitting on the shelf but they do have other things that you can use. You just have to get creative with the things people donate.

An old tablecloth is perfect for making your own dress. A curtain can become a tote bag. One man’s trash is another’s treasure after all.

Give Yourself Time 

Once you get used to sewing, you’ll be making your own clothes in a day or two. When you first start though, you’ve got to be patient with yourself. You’re learning techniques and trying out a hobby that you’ve never attempted before.

You’re not going to be fast at it. Take your time and consult your sewing machine manual when you need. Don’t be afraid to restart or revisit the pattern either.

Don’t forget to stand up and take a break every once in a while, too. Sewing can be therapeutic but not if you overwork yourself.

Press as You Go 

Invest in an iron and set it up near your sewing machine. You’ll be using it quite a bit because of how important it is to press your seams when making your own clothing.

As a newbie, it’s tempting to skip this step in order to save time but trust us when we say your stuff will be a lot more professional looking if you press the seams as you go. It will help your creations last a lot longer as well.

Change Your Needle Often 

Every few projects or so it’s a good idea for you to trade out the needle on your sewing machine for a fresh new one.

Replace it after a single project if you’re working with a thick material such as denim. This way you’re never working with a dull needle.

How to Start Making Your Own Clothes Right at Home 

Are you considering making your own clothes? It can be a fun and addictive experience. It can also help you reduce your carbon footprint so it’s a win-win. So, go out and grab your equipment, find some fabric you like, and learn how to start making your own clothes today.

Keeping up with trends is an important part of making your own clothes. Check out our blog daily for all the latest fashion news.

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