
How to get tiktok likes and views by posting at the right time


As the popularity of TikTok continues to soar, users are constantly searching for ways to grow their accounts and increase their reach. While some may be tempted to take shortcuts such as buying tiktok views, authentic engagement is ultimately what will lead to long-term success on the platform. Here are some tips for growing your TikTok account with genuine engagement:

Post consistently

Building a following on TikTok requires consistency, just as building one on any other social media platform. Try to post at least once a day or every other day so that your followers expect new content from you regularly.

Use trending hashtags

Using popular hashtags that relate to your content helps more people discover your videos. However, make sure you’re using them in a relevant way rather than just spamming them in hopes of gaining views.

Collaborate with other creators

Collaborating with other TikTok users who similar audiences help expose your content to new viewers who may be interested in following you as well.

Engage with your audience

Responding to comments and direct messages from followers shows that  you value their support and helps build a sense of community around your account.

Create shareable content

If viewers enjoy watching one of your videos, they’re more likely to share it with others which could potentially bring even more attention and followers back to your account.

Now let’s talk about why buying tiktok views isn’t the best approach for growing an authentic following on the app:

  • Purchased views aren’t going towards increasing actual engagement or building relationships with real people who might become fans or customers down the line. They’re just artificially inflating numbers without offering any real value beyond appearance alone.
  • Bought views often come from fake accounts or bots which don’t contribute anything meaningful towards actually improving an individual’s standing within the algorithmic hierarchy of TikTok itself. If anything they might actually harm it by signaling low-quality metrics like bounce rates.
  • Relying too heavily on paid promotion tactics instead of organic growth strategies runs counterproductive risks such as getting flagged by moderators due to violating rules regarding deceptive practices; not having enough time dedicated to maintaining accounts beyond initial bursts; missing out on potential opportunities for collaborations because partners might view this behavior negatively etc.


The most effective way to grow an authentic following on Tiktok involves posting consistently while engaging meaningfully with viewers through the creative use of trending hashtags & collaborating strategically with other creators whose interests align with yours. Focusing solely on purchasing bulk “views” won’t do much good in terms of creating long-lasting connections among engaged audiences. It’s better to invest time into developing compelling original content worth sharing organically over longer periods of time instead!

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