
How the Bible can guide you in your Relationship


For the believers of God, the Bible is a helpful tool in dealing with relationship problems and overcoming vices that can potentially hurt an otherwise harmonious partnership. The Bible teaches us many important lessons, which we can apply to pretty much every aspect of life, but especially relationships. So how exactly can the Bible help you with your challenges? Should we look for clues in the Bible, or even for specific bible verses about dating?

The holy book teaches us about essential virtues, such as 1) Kindness, 2) Modesty, 3) Forgiveness, 4) Respect, and 5) Honesty. Let us look at each one of these a little closer.

  1. Kindness

The Bible is a role model of kindness. Jesus led by example and was one of the sincerest and kindest figures in history. He teaches us to be kind and good to one another, to love thy neighbor, and treat everyone like a family member. For your relationship, kindness is key. It’s crucial to tell each other “I love you” regularly, partake in small gestures of love (and not only on birthdays or anniversaries), and compliment each other often. This will keep true love alive and make sure that no one will feel neglected or shoved aside.

  1. Modesty

Sure, relationships need passion, lust, and sensuality, but surprisingly, they also need a hint of modesty, which we can learn about from the Bible. Modesty in a relationship can consist of simply having a public image that doesn’t give away any private secrets and being able to show your innocent side, and thereby protect your relationship. This is, by most partners anyway, much preferred than to the “kiss and tell” method. If you say and show too much, it can lead to frictions within the relationship, and automatically give people way more access to intervene or disturb the relationship’s peace. Keep in mind, there are certain things that should only be between you two.

  1. Forgiveness

This is by far the biggest lesson we can take from the Bible, and there will be a time when you will have to forgive, or have to be forgiven, in your relationship. It’s important to show remorse and acknowledge your mistake, once one was made. On the other hand, if you’re in a position to forgive your partner, ask the same of him in return. Try to let go of the hurt and forgive him, if you see he wants to move forward. Easier said than done, of course! However, holding a grudge will only make it worse, and kill every last chance that the relationship might still have. It’s a timely process to forgive, no doubt, but one that is well worth it, if you’re willing to fight for the relationship, and if your partner asks openly for forgiveness.

  1. Respect

The Bible can help us to stay away from the vice of foul language, and avoid being disrespectful to our loved one. That kind of behavior is unacceptable, and the Bible teaches us to respect our significant other at the highest form. If you see yourself tripping into a bad habit in regards to how you talk to him, or if he’s being rude to you for no apparent reason, consult the Bible and read some of its beautiful love psalms. Show him what you need and talk to him, especially if he’s oblivious to his lack of respect. If you’re the one doing it, make an effort to be more conscious of your words. Including the Bible’s teachings will help both of you gain perspective and hopefully get you to a better and healthier place in your relationship.

  1. Honesty

Honesty is in the top 3 of virtues that need to be in place in a relationship. There’s no good relationship without honesty. Yes, it can be painful, uncomfortable, and a game changer even, but you have to be honest; there’s just no way of getting around it. The Bible knows that, and dishonesty is indeed listed as one of the Ten Commandments, among adultery and murder. Lying in a relationship will be more damaging over time that telling the truth, and the Bible will tell you about dozens of consequences people had to carry because of their dishonesty.

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