Home Improvement

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Renovating Your Home in New Buffalo MI


When planning a house renovation project, you need to have a predetermined budget, a detailed timeline, and sufficient funds for financing. But a lot of homeowners only realize they have made costly renovation mistakes while in the middle of a renovation. Such mistakes can result in delays, extra expenses, and stress. 

Planning a home renovation can be quite stressful. There are many pitfalls you can fall victim to. Thankfully, New Buffalo MI real estate agent Chad Gradowski can guide you as you make design options to increase the curb appeal and value of your property.  Below are mistakes you must avoid when renovating your home:

Not Thinking About the Condition of Your House

When making changes to your house, you may not understand the consequences of your proposals and the ability of your home’s infrastructures to support your new design goals. If the basic structures of your house are not sturdy enough, major and heavy remodels can lead to time-consuming complications, unexpected project overruns, and serious damage. 

You must make sure that your house can withstand your desired remodel. Upgrading your space with new appliances can be fun and exciting, but you must ensure the room can handle the power load. To avoid this, work with professionals such as plumbers, contractors, and electricians who can assess the ability of your project to support the gas, water, electricity, and weight needs that your upgrades demand. 

Selecting a Cheaper Contractor

Home remodels are costly and you may choose a less expensive contractor to save money. You need to be mindful of your budget, ensuring it is enough to cover the project. Also, make sure you don’t pick a contractor with price as the only determining factor. The cheapest contractor may not be the best one to get the job done since they may cut corners, compromising work quality. Trying to keep the renovation costs down may result in you paying more over time since you need to hire somebody else to fix the mistakes made or redo poor jobs entirely. 

Making Changes Mid-Project

During the planning stage, you can easily and freely make changes. However, waiting to make changes later on is a big mistake. When the work begins, changes get tougher and costlier. And despite changes, you may still not be happy with the result. 

This makes it important to be quite detailed when designing your renovation. Be precise and take into account all the options. Speak up or ask questions if you have to. It is okay to change your mind during this stage. Once the work has started, everything should be set in stone.

Making Poor Design Choices

Usually, homeowners choose designs based only on the trends and what they have found online without considering if they work in their house. Just because a design looks great in the home of your friend does not mean it will also work in yours. You should think carefully about your house and the choices that highlight its best features. Ensure the floor plan you pick works for it. While you make other design decisions, prioritize functionality and look. Consider timeless designs that will not go out of style right away. This will let you get the most out of your investment. 

Not Being Realistic with Project Costs

Research the prices of labor and materials and do precise calculations. Don’t depend on estimates or economies of scale. In addition, ensure your calculation includes planning and building control fees, value-added taxes, and funding arrangement fees. 

Ensure you have a backup plan. Putting all your pennies into your budget, including the money intended for unexpected costs or contingencies, can result in being in a tough financial situation if such costs are beyond your expectations.

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