
Do You Know How to Arrange the Pooja Items while Worshipping the Almighty?


Even though you are using the right ingredients for puja, it is absolutely mandatory that you arrange the puja items in the desired fashion while seeking blessing from the lord. The arrangement of items is usually executed in compliance with the five cosmic principles. With correct arrangement, a devotee can smoothly travel from his or her illusions to Brahma Tattva.

Banana Leaf and Naivedya: Known to be one of the secret methods to please the Lord, the Naivedya is offered to the Lord at the end. Signifying the state of the individual, the naivedya is offered on a banana leaf. This is instrumental when you are trying to satisfy the lord in a shorter period of time. According to the Hindu scriptures, naivedya is usually offered to the Diary of Premises or the Deity of the Place.

Puja Thali: The Puja Thali, one of the most important pooja samagri, must be prepared with due caution and care. While the haldi kumkum should be placed towards the right, the sindur should be placed towards the left of the devotee. The devotee should also place betel nut towards himself or herself in order to expedite the process of emission of the Divine waves. In addition, the middle of the thali should contain things like akshata. Other items that you can put on a thali include flowers, sandalwood paste, patri and so on.

Kalash, Tumbler and Spoon: All of these significant hindu puja items must be placed in the centre. Since water is able to absorb the nirgun waves in the most effective manner, the kalash filled with water at the centre ensures properly balanced Pancha Tattvas. Other items including the tumbler and ritualistic spoon must be placed towards the right to gain the maximum effect.

Lamp and Camphor: The incense sticks must be placed towards the right side of the devotee while the lamp should be on the left side. The camphor can be placed next to the lamp. Placing the coconut in close proximity with the Lord ensures that divine waves are activated in order to bring blessings to the family.

Conch and Bell: While both conch and bell are important puja items, they must be placed in right direction in order to seek blessings from the Lord. The Conch can be placed towards the left side and the Bell on the opposite side of the Conch.

Samai: Being one of the most sought after puja items online, samai ensures that the kriya shakti is activated. You can sesame seed oil for lighting up these samai lamps. The sesame seed oil is believed to contain the Raja component which activates the Deity to shower the devotee with blessings. You should ideally place these samais on both sides of the temple in order to gain the most out of it.

What Are the Benefits of Arranging Pooja Items Correctly?

Balanced Pancha Tattva: While worshipping the lord, your aim should always be to do the needful in order to balance the Pancha Tattvas. When these Pancha Tattvas are controlled, they can help you to have maximize emission of sagun as well as nirgun waves. These waves are considered to be absolutely important as you keep worshipping the Lord. By keeping the Pancha Tattva balanced, you will be gaining a better life and well-being as well. In addition, pancha tattvas are said to protect you from the evil spirits that can cause potential harm to you.

Becoming Sattvik: Becoming Sattvik is a daunting task indeed. Offering the right item at the right place, you will be worshipping the Lord in order to purify both your soul and mind. In addition, the place of worship also gets purified. In this process, the body of the devotee becomes sattvik which means that he or she has gained the blessings from the lord. Deriving the maximum benefits from these waves should be your prime target. As you read this spiritual perspective of arranging items in the correct fashion, you become one step closer to achieving peace of inner mind and prosperity as well. Try to follow these rules irrespective of the deity you are worshipping in order to gain the maximum benefit. Being able to hold the divine waves matters the most and that becomes possible when you follow the above-mentioned placement rules.

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