Home Improvement

Different Kinds of Lighting Manufacturing


Very well know the importance of lighting and the history of lighting manufacturer. Let us  now move on to different kinds of lighting and their manufacturing,

Fluorescent lighting or tubes and manufacturing

Besides providing light Ash cool white or the rose-tone colour. Fluorescent tubing is also known as being a very low energy consumption which is probably why we find it in so many homes, factories and offices. In 1909 the Frenchman George Code developed the fluorescent tube light. Did you know that Mercury allows us to see in the dark? The production of fluorescent lamps is highly complex.

The fabrication process with glass tubes that have been meticulously cleaned with warm water to remove dirt and impurities. Then the tubes have to be specifically shaped with a folder shaper. They are heated for 30 seconds then quickly curved using our template. The bent tubes go into the coating chamber where a thin coat of phosphorus is applied to the inner surface. Its Phosphorus that generates light by the ionization of Mercury.

The excess of phosphorus is removed from the ends of the tube to facilitate sealing them. They are now mounted with the cathode and also so the wire carrying current is made out through the mount. The wire carrying the current is shaped  and heated. Finally, the filaments are inserted into the mounts. And this completes the manufacturing of our fluorescent tubes.

Neon Lights and Manufacturing

The glass tubes are filled with inert gas. When the electric current hits the electrodes in the tube, electrons flow through the gas making its atoms glow. The type of glass and gas determines the colour of the light.in a clear glass tube Argon gas gives a blue light while Neon gas produces red light. These neon lights can be made at home by using tubes and gases, the combination forming the colour you require and then these tubes are heated at about 650 degree Celsius to mould them into the shape you want them to be in. After the  shaping, the excess is cut and the colouring powder is scratched off the edges. Then the required wiring is done and our neon lights are ready.

LED lighting and manufacturing

LED is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current is passed through it the full form of LED is a light-emitting diode.

The manufacturing starts with a product called Blue dye. This blue dye wafer has about 11000 LED chips on it. With the help of a machine designed to assemble the LED chip into the plastic package. It forms a tray of about 300 plastic packages. This work in many countries is done by hands. After the LED tree is formed, the Phosphorus mix is put on the top of the package on top of the LED chip. The Phosphorus in turns it white. Finally when the Phosphorus is baked upon the LEDs. They are ready to be tested for any detect and here’s how they get manufactured.

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