
Common cosmetic dentistry procedures in Manhattan


You deserve to have a smile that you are proud of, and if you are not happy with the aesthetics, there is always the option of seeking treatments. In the last couple of decades, cosmetic dentistry has changed considerably. No matter the concern, you always have ways to address your concerns. Before you see a cosmetic dentist in Manhattan, here are some common treatments worth knowing about.

  • Teeth whitening: If you drink and consume certain dark-colored foods and beverages, including coffee and wine, or smoke heavily, you could have stained teeth. There are options, including in-office and at-home teeth whitening, which your dentist can consider. With the latter, you may have to wear your custom trays with bleaching solution for at least two or three weeks.
  • Dental bonding: The procedure focuses on fixing hairline cracks, discoloration, and imperfections affecting your teeth. Your dentist will rely on tooth-colored composite resin for the treatment and may also consider changing the shape of your teeth to create a uniform smile. You will need a touch-up after five or more years. The procedure is beneficial as there is no need to remove a part of the enamel.
  • Porcelain veneers: You can get porcelain veneers to fix discoloration, gaps, and similar issues. These veneers are made of medical-grade ceramic and are meant to last for years. Your dentist will remove a part of the enamel to make room for veneers, which is a permanent step.
  • Tooth contouring: If your dentist discovers that removing small amounts of enamel can help change the shape of your teeth and address your smile issues, they may recommend the procedure. There is a limit to what the dentist can do, depending on the structure of your teeth. Tooth contouring requires just one appointment.
  • Gum contouring: If you have excess gum tissues, your smile may look unbalanced. Gum contouring is the procedure for removing excess tissues, which can help reshape the gum line to get a symmetrical smile. It can be done in one or two appointments.
  • Dental implants: Dentures were used for replacing lost and missing teeth for the longest time, but with dental implants, you can have a permanent solution. Implants are made of titanium and become a part of your jaw. You can get dentures, crowns, and replacement teeth on these implants.

No matter the procedure, ensure you understand the pros and cons along with the results. Ask your dentist to show a few before-and-after pictures to comprehend better.

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