
Choose best lawyer for the DUI Case


Consuming certain substances affects psychomotor skills. There are frequent cases of alcohol, without ruling out those of marijuana, other drugs and certain medications. Driving any kind of vehicle under the effects of this type of substances is dangerous for everyone.

In some countries this crime is known as DUI or DWI (Driving under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated), which results in a criminal process of several stages that begins with an arrest.

The formal accusation or presentation of charges is the next stage occurs after the arrest, the initial bail setting and the summons to appear. The time between the arrest and this first hearing can range from a few hours to several months, depending on the state and county where the crime occurs. Other factors are also involved, such as the defendant being released or remaining in prison.

The people present at the hearing

The judge always attends and a prosecutor is present in most jurisdictions. In many states the presence of the accused is required, but in others it is not. He can appear alone or with a lawyer. It is common that in cases of DUI the Fort Bend DWI lawyer can go only to represent his client. On the other hand there are criminal courts provided with permanent public defenders and in jurisdictions that allow it in DUI crimes, they assist citizens who need a lawyer.

The charges and applicable sanctions

The judge communicates to the defendant or his lawyer the charges of the prosecution. In jurisdictions in which the prosecutor communicates the charges, his presence is mandatory and the accusation contains the story and evidence of the crime of DUI.

After filing charges, the judge reports the penalties and security measures. The law previously establishes the minimum and maximum time of imprisonment. The judge says the amount of the fine and also refers to the obligation to attend.


  • The judge asks the accused if he has understood the accusation and it is common for him to answer yes. After the judge asks the defendant how to declare and can be given three options: plead guilty, innocent or novo contender.
  • To request nolo contender is to declare the accused that he will not oppose what the court decides. In American courts, this is closer to a plea of guilty than of innocence. The person who declares himself nolo contender is condemned as if he pleaded guilty. Pleading guilty or nolo contender involves being convicted in this first appearance and the process ends. On the contrary, declaring oneself not guilty implies the continuation of the case. The silence of the accused is assimilated to a declaration of innocence.

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