
7 Tips to Make Bus Travel Easier with Toddlers


Whether it’s a vacation or a trip to relatives, planning a trip with children is stressful for even the most organized parent. In fact, you might probably be envisioning a nightmare scenario complete with mid-aisle tantrums and hours of waterworks for both- you and your little ones. But hey, fret not! A calm, cheerful trip is a total possibility with the right amount of planning. 

Let us make your life easier by listing down the five tips below to make bus travel with kids uneventful- in a good way.

  • Research before your trip

It’s always wise to know your route before making a bus booking and this is even more important when traveling with kids. So, see to it that you know your stop or any transfers you have to make. Make a note of it or simply save all the instructions on your phone. You can also a picture of it in case you’re afraid you might lose cell reception.

  • Be prepared for the mess

Now, we hate to break it to you but with children comes a recurrent and consistent trail of mess that you (the parent) are responsible for cleaning up. So, ensure that you pack the stuff that can come in handy and will help you get ahead by a mile already. This way, you will be able to enjoy your trip better.

  • Time your journey around your child’s routine

If you have a younger baby, travel during one of its naptimes. But, if your child isn’t a good daytime napper or they’ve grown out of daytime naps, pick a time when they’re happiest. This will ensure that your child is less cranky during the entire journey. 

  • Carry lots of snacks

Here’s a little secret: A lot of your problems will be solved with snacks. Yes, your read that correctly. Kids love food. So, here’s your cue. Carry a variety of snacks during the trip. For shorter trips, you can feed them with one snack per hour. For a longer journey, stretch the intervals a little bit. 

  • Avoid the crowd

One of the most annoying things ever for a child can be a crowded bus. So, if possible, try and board a bus that is not too crowded. Of course, sometimes you may have no choice but to do just that – board a crowded bus. At such times, put your baby into a harness and strap her to your torso, in the front. That way, your body will protect the baby against flailing arms or protruding elbows in the crowd. 

  • Pack Carefully

Think about everything you might need on your journey in advance. Some of the essential items will include nappies, wipes, snacks, more snacks, drinks, spare clothes, books, and toys. So, pack these items accordingly in your bag and make sure to keep them accessible. This way, you won’t be scrambling around when your child needs them.

  • Dress them comfortably 

Now, we know many parents are tempted to dress their kids up in the cutest outfits, but hey, guess what? This might not always be the best option, most notably on longer trips. It can quickly cause discomfort to your child. So, the right thing to do here is to dress your child in loose-fitting and casual clothes for long trips.

With the above-mentioned tips, your bus trips with children will turn out to be less chaotic. So, follow these tips to ensure a comfortable journey and make your and your toddler’s life much easier. Also, see to it that you book a Volvo bus or book cheap bus in advance whenever you’re traveling with them. 

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