
Breast Augmentation, Information And Procedure


Augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation, is a surgical procedure that is designed to increase the size, fullness and shape of your breasts. There are different methods with which this procedure can be done, which all depend on the results and possibility of your body.

Why opt for such a procedure?

There are many reasons why women decide to go through with breast augmentation surgery. You can have a proper chat with a cosmetic surgeon Campbelltown such as ICCM if you are interested in your options. Breast augmentation is done to:

  • Make your breasts larger.
  • Restore the size and shape of your breasts after pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss
  • Restore the symmetry of your breasts if they are asymmetrical
  • Reconstruct your breasts after surgery

Breast augmentation surgery can make you feel good

Plastic surgery also includes reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. The reconstructive breast surgery is done after the treatment for breast cancer. In some cases, the breast cancer treatment might cause you to lose a part or your whole breast, in which case you might decide to have the breast reconstruction surgery.

What are breast implants?

There are three main breast implant types:

Silicone gel-filled implants; these consist of an outer shell made out of silicone and filled with a silicone gel. If these implants start to leak, the gel will escape into the breast implant pocket or it might stay in the shell. If you choose these implants, you will have to have a more regular schedule for checkups.

Salina Implants; these are filled with a saline solution that is sterile, such as salt water. This solution will be held within an elastomer shell made out of silicone. A different amount of saline solution can be put into these implants, and if it leaks, the solution will be absorbed naturally into the body.

Alternative composite implants; these implants can be filled with soy oil, polypropylene string or another material.

What to expect

If you are concerned about the breast augmentation surgery, you should have a proper chat with your doctor. He or she will make sure to answer all your questions, and make sure that you are prepared for the upcoming happenings during and after the surgery.

There are different types of breast augmentation surgery

There are different incision options, and different results. There are also many online articles or sites you can check out, and see all your options. If you are interested, you can check out best breast augmentation Sydney at ICCM or visit your local cosmetic surgeon and talk about your desires and goals.

Final word

When taking into consideration the money you are able to spend, do not forget that you might need another surgery after, and the recovery can also sometimes be pricey. It all depends on your budget ad knowledge about the surgery. Make sure to know more about breast augmentation, and that you have a good talk with your doctor during your consultation before the breast augmentation surgery.

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