Home Improvement

7 Lawn Care Mistakes Every Homeowner Should Avoid


Caring for a lawn isn’t as simple as merely watering your turf on a daily basis. It takes the right experience, knowledge, and skills to help a lawn continuously flourish. Are you sure you’re caring for your turf correctly?

A lush outdoor space is easy to achieve as long as you know what not to do when caring for your lawn. Below, professionals in lawn care from Amarillo, TX list down seven crucial mistakes you should steer clear of:

1. Not testing the soil

Not all species of grass can grow just anywhere. It’s important that you test your soil first to know exactly what conditions you’ll be working with. To do this, you can send a sample of your soil to an extension service.

Generally, turf prospers in soil with pH levels of 6.0 to 6.5. If you want to create an ideal condition for your grass, a lawn care service provider can test the soil for you and supervise treatments to alter pH levels.

2. Trimming the grass too short

Most homeowners get tempted to cut as much grass as they can. However, this isn’t a good practice as you should take care to cut off no more than 1/3 of the grass blades.

Leaving your grass longer actually helps it process light and water better to develop a healthy root system. This, in turn, results in a fuller, better-looking lawn.

3. Watering too much or too little

Lawns only need an inch of water every week. If you soak your turf all at once, it will merely run off. Watering too little isn’t ideal either as the water will never reach the roots this way.

If your grass can’t get water naturally from rainfall, remember that it only needs a little of your help. Bear in mind that your lawn prefers less frequent and deeper watering that gives its roots a good soaking.

4. Cutting grass using a dull blade

A dull mower blade can cause bruised or torn shoots. Your lawn then becomes gray or brown, leaving it vulnerable to diseases and pests.

See to it that about twice per season, you find time to sharpen your mower blade.

Unsure about when you should sharpen mower blades? If your mower seems to be pulling or trampling the grass instead of cutting it, then its blades need some sharpening.

5. Planting grass in the wrong place

Grass is a vital component of every healthy lawn. Unfortunately, some homeowners unknowingly force grass to grow in an area where it isn’t meant to thrive. This eventually leads to frustration and, often, wasted time and resources.

Take into account that grasses are plants that need full sun and have a limited ability to adapt to shade. If you’re trying to plant grass in a shady area, set yourself up for success by installing ground cover that thrives in sun-starved spots.

6. Planting only one type of seed

Picking the right type of grass is the key. By planting various grass species, you can help your lawn become more established as the seeds offset each other’s strengths and weaknesses. In general, seed mixtures are more likely to thrive in unfavorable weather conditions such as heat and drought compared to a single-seed turf.

7. Using fertilizer improperly

You need to apply fertilizers correctly if you want to help your grass to become thick and full as it grows. Sadly, many mistakes can be made when applying fertilizer. The most common mistake is applying fertilizer at the wrong time of the year.

Turf will need at least four to six fertilizer applications per year. Generally, fall is the most important season for this. The best time to fertilize is when your grass is growing. Remember that applying too much fertilizer can burn the lawn and produce too much plant leaf which won’t enable the roots to grow well.

Establish routine lawn maintenance

To keep your lawn healthy, you need to establish a lawn maintenance routine that includes insect or pest control, mowing, fertilizing, and weed removal. Because maintenance work can be time-consuming and takes extreme skill, you can always get in touch with the experts in lawn care in Canyon, TX to do these tasks for you.

Getting your lawn in tip-top shape is usually easier said than done. To maintain your dream landscape, it’s best to work with a lawn care professional who knows how to do the task well.

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