Home Improvement

How to Fight Mice


Spray Extruder

It is possible to make natural repellent spray for mice and safe for pets and children, by following the following steps: [1]

Mix a pint of apple cider vinegar with two liters of water in a spray bottle.

Spray the solution in the areas of the presence of mice.

Use the spray a few times a day for best results and can be used at any time.

You can also use peppermint oil that you do not like mice and escape from it, by following the following steps: [1]

Mix equal amounts of water and mint oil in a spray bottle.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, shake the bottle well.

Sprinkle spray on shoe shelves, stores, cupboards, tubs, walkways.

Use it for a few days or when needed.

Use the trap

The trap can be used to get rid of mice. There are two types: the sticky trap, the glue and the flash trap, [2] traps that keep the mice alive and can be released later. These traps are placed in mice ‘ Such as: cheese, peanut butter, buttercup, and check the trap each morning, taking care to release mice attached to the trap at least one mile from the pylorus, and in uninhabited areas. [2]


Clove, or the essential oil of cloves can be used to expel mice. The smell of bad odors in rats is used to expel them. It causes irritation, which helps to escape. It can be used by the following:

Put twenty to thirty drops of clove oil on a piece of cotton.

Put the cotton pieces in the places where the mice are, while keeping the pets away from them.

Complete cloves can be placed by wrapping them with a piece of cotton and placed in the mice ‘s locations.

Soft drinks

Soft drinks can be used to get rid of mice. It is an easy and safe way. When rats drink soft drinks they can not burp, and they can not release gases outside their bodies, making them die.

Put three to five tablespoons of any kind of soft drinks in small dishes.

Place bowls or bowls near cupboards, walkways, and litter boxes.


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