
What to Eat When Switching to a High Fiber Diet


The FDA’s stance on fiber is quite clear: they recommend that we consume between 20 to 30 grams of it a day, but you might be surprised to know that most Americans never get near even half of that. Fiber is an essential component of a healthy diet with a whole host of benefits that include weight loss while lowering your risk for diabetes, heart disease, as well as certain cancers. Switching to a high fiber diet can also lower cholesterol levels while reducing constipation, cleaning you from the inside out.

But what exactly are the ideal kinds of food that can be categorized as high fiber? Below is a list of what you should eat if you’re looking to increase your fiber consumption:

Split Peas

Split peas are a great protein-rich base for soups and stews. It features heavily in Indian cuisine and contain up to 16.3 grams per cup of fiber when cooked. Try it in a dal, an easy Indian lentil porridge-like dish that’s as healthy as it is deeply satisfying. Its high fiber content means that it keeps you sated for longer, which can help shed those pesky pounds you’ve been trying to get rid of since the beginning of the year.

Almond Milk

Almond milk is a milk alternative that is made by crushing roasted almonds to form a paste, then mixing that paste with water to form a milky liquid. Almonds contain 3.5 grams of fiber per 1-ounce serving, and some of that fiber is transferred into almond milk. A glass of all natural plant-based milk can contain 1 gram of fiber, which can give you an added boost, especially if you use it as the base for a fruit shake or breakfast smoothie.


While it can be challenging to prepare, artichokes contain more fiber per serving than any other vegetable: up to 10.3 grams per medium vegetable when cooked. Try roasting artichokes for an indulgent weekend dinner or adding it to pasta sauces, dips, or pizza.


Your favorite movie snack is actually an excellent fiber source, containing up to 4 grams of fiber per ounce – around 3 cups of air-popped popcorn. Therefore, indulge! Or consider going for this alternative instead of filling up with high-fat high-calorie potato chips or sweets at the snack bar. The best kind of popcorn is air popped – in a brown bag in the microwave or using an air popper.


Packed with nutrients, healthy fat and fiber, avocado is a true superfood – the best reason to gorge on guacamole. It contains up to 6.7 grams of fiber raw, so use it liberally in your favorite Mexican dip, spread it over toast for a breakfast truly fit for champions, or even blend it into your favorite milkshake. You can also try adding it to your favorite salads to add a creamy dimension to an otherwise light lunch.

Whole-Wheat Pasta

Just because you’re going healthy doesn’t mean you have to cut pasta out of your diet. Whole-wheat pasta contains 6.3 grams per cup when cooked, so simply swap it out to replace your favorite white-flour variant. Mix it into your favorite tomato sauce for a reliable weekday dinner that isn’t too complicated to prepare but still guaranteed to satisfy.

So whether you decide to drink unsweetened milked nuts or stick with high fiber veggies, it’s still important to maintain a balanced diet. It’s easy to neglect the other nutrients that your body needs whenever you change to a specific type of diet. Just remember that your overall health all depends on how you manage the kinds of food that you put in your body.

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