
Getting the best from a charity website


Nowadays, every charity which can afford it builds a website to turn in the traffic. After all, it is very difficult for a charity to get along without a website for a number of reasons:

  •       Websites help in making the potential donors understand what the charity is all about, how reputed they are, what they do in general. The website would also throw light on a particular charity campaign.
  •       Websites are particularly important in the Indian context because the donor base is chiefly made up of the middle class, and many of them as of yet find it difficult to make their way through on the internet.
  •       Cybersecurity is a pertinent issue in India. Even government initiatives have a hard time navigating safely on the internet. a website gives the visitors a particular context to know whom and what they are dealing with.

Due to all these reasons, many charities are nowadays coming up with their own websites. But, even then, not all of them meet with the requisite success. Which is really sad because building and maintaining websites cost a lot of money and effort. So what can you do to get the best out of charity websites? Here are a few things you can follow:

  •       Tell your stories:

Websites at the end of the day are storytelling platforms. To tell the visitors what it is all about. But you need to remember that merely telling the story won’t do. You need to do so in a compelling manner so that the visitors are bound to stop and take notice. In order to do so, you need to keep certain things in mind- be very careful about the spelling and grammar because your language creates an impression, use videos as much as possible because that is one of the most underutilized ways of communicating, and yet has the most power of doing so. At the end of the day, it is the presentation that matters. Hire content creators with experience because they know the best way to go about it.

  •       Your homepage is the most important bit on your website:

Understand that visitors to crowdfunding websites are themselves very busy and may not have the patience for something they do not like. Visiting a homepage is like meeting a business associate for the first time. Websites as it has very few people willing to take it beyond the homepage, which is mostly the landing page.

  •       Optimise your website:

Google is very strict when it comes to featuring content. The algorithms are always changing, and it is up to you to keep up with all of it and prevent your site from getting penalized. The quicker you are with your website, the higher will be your ranking.

  •       Make your website platform friendly:

People are busy today and like doing things on the go. So it is always a good idea to take things beyond the desktop and make them more platform friendly. Most websites, irrespective of their type and purpose, can be accessed on any device nowadays, and you should follow suit.

  •       Be there on social media:

This is the most important bit because everybody is there already. Whether it be crowdfunding platforms or websites, they are all on social media. The section of Indians who are the most proactive in online charity are the ones who are the most social media savvy. And social media is crucial in making your cause internationally known, which may not happen without it. In fact, doing anything of the public without the help of social media is impossible today. You should also have your own page and accounts in place in addition to just advertising your charity website.

  •       Recycle:

Saw that cool quote somewhere or that meme even? Do not be shy about using them for yourself or using the idea behind. Increasing popularity works through chains. The internet has a very short memory when it comes to preserving things. You can, of course, credit people and things whenever possible.

  •       Be in charge:

This is the most important bit. Your website would be operating through a number of parties- the crowdfunding platforms to which it is linked, your sponsors displaying their content, your website developers, and the like. Charity websites need to change their content on a daily basis due to the ever-changing nature of the internet. have as much advice as possible, but make your own decisions at the end of the day.

And of course, make sure to link your website to only the most reputed crowdfunding platforms. Because more reputation automatically translates to more resources and more influence on the web, and all that glory is, of course, going to get reflected on your charity website and make the best people take an interest in you and your cause.

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