
Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode Plug-in –Compare Between Minimal And Premium Version


Doesn’t it look great when you are trying to access a website and the Coming Soon or Under Maintenance page keep you from waiting aimlessly? Well, running a website is not an easy task and hence, maintenance or customization jobs from frontend side are mandatory. If any visitor tries to access the website during those tasks, problem in loading and other issues are sure to pop up. With the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode Plug-in, you can spare the hassles for the visitors and create the website page according to your preference.

Installation of the plug-in is easy –you just have to install the Coming Soon option from the Add New section on the dashboard and activate it.

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode –Minimal Version

Created by the WebFactory, the Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode will work with every WordPress theme and keep the page responsive. The main features of the Minimal version are the easy customization process and custom HTML and CSS adding feature. By using the CSS3 and HTML5, the plug-in can be easily translated with the aid of i18n. The plug-in will be compatible for multiple sites and be visible to all the search engines. Moreover, the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode utilizes BuddyPress and WordPress Best Practices to make the functionality smooth.

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode –Premium Mode

Just as the name suggests, the pro or premium mode of Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode offers many additional customization features –

  • Themes and Images

As Instagram is trending now, the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode WordPress plugin too makes full use of it by incorporating Instagram themed filters along with more than four hundred thousand high quality background images which would immediately please the visitors. You can search with keywords and choose from thousands of pictures shot by renowned photographers.

Similarly, the customizable themes for Agency and Pro version are designed to adjust and fit into any brand, business or blog which can favor your business, both online and offline within minutes. Some of the Pro themes include Animated Clock, Beach and Fall(Video) while the Agency Themes include Dental Clinic, Coffee Shop and Bicoin Miners.

  • Enhanced SEO

By running more than twenty SEO-based tests, it helps in SEO analysis, providing SEO title and description, showing SEO Snippets, blocking or excluding Search engines, creating social media page and tracking 3rd party analytics.

  • Layout And Background

The ten modules can be easily customized with drag and drop feature. You will find transparent content overlay, four content positions, 47 content animations and more. You can resize the background image or choose background color instead or use YouTube video URL to be played in loop (muted).

  • Design Contents

You can choose logo, set its size, give SEO title; choose/edit/import header text and content from over 700 fonts, change size and color; customize Video (autoplay, mute etc) and also design map, subscription forms, social icons, countdown display, progress bar etc.

With the above, you can choose your standard, pro or agency package according to your requirement and also customize custom HTML, emailing and auto-responder services.

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