
A Look at Some of the Deadliest Disease Affecting People All Over the World


It is indeed difficult to accept but true that today, we are faced with the worse kind of health problems, those that cannot be easily cured. Furthermore, such is the condition of the health problems affecting us that they take such a toll on the life in the form of difficult medical problems that leave huge problems in our lives.

The main cause of such heath conditions is hectic work schedules, which do not give us any time for ourselves. No man is a machine and cannot work like one for twenty four hours day. Overwork ultimately affects heath and prevent you from working at all.

Deadly Diseases That We All Should Be Aware About

However there are many diseases that arise due to hereditary conditions or lifestyle habits. Over eating, indulging in alcohol or taking to drugs can cause some very poor health conditions that alter life and make you unstable and incapable of doing even basic activities right. It is better to realize the situation at the outset so that you can get into a proper streamline and enjoy life normally. Here is a look at some of the deadliest diseases affecting people these days:

Out of the many problems that affect people, the lower respiratory infection is very severe one. Some of the common ones that can be seen are tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonia. When the body coughs continuously or get cold frequently, it can take a toll on the health. Though many of these diseases can be treated, still they should be detected in the early stage for effective curing.  Such diseases can also arise when there is lack of hygienic habits, weak immune system and frequent flu.

Ischemic heart disease is problem in which blood flow to the heart is restricted and reduced and it is caused by narrowing of the heart arteries. When there is less blood and oxygen flow to the heart muscle the result is a heart attack.   Symptoms of this proem are shortness of breath and chest pain or angina.

Another very difficult health problem is stroke which is a condition in which the artery to the brain is blocked or starts leaking. A classic symptom of stroke is when there is sudden numbness on one side of the body. A brain that is deprived of oxygen results in the person dying in just minutes. This problem is caused due to a stressful lifestyle, hereditary factors.  A key means of controlling it is by exercising and keeping the weight under control.

People living very stressful lives in their thirties and forties, land up with Alzheimer’s disease in their later fifties which is really sad because it arises due to the death of brain cells. It is a form of dementia in which he person experiences memory loss and in course of time need assistance to carry out even the most basic of activities.  Such is the nature of this problem that in course of time the affected person a slowly start forgetting the person who they have been knowing for so many years.

Pulmonary heart disease is yet another health problem that people are succumbing to today. It is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, breathlessness, too much of coughing and tightness in the chest.  When you get such symptoms or problem it is vital to consult a doctor right away so that steps can be taken t bring them down. Currently there is no cure for pulmonary disease and all step that are taken to treat the condition offer temporary respite.

Diabetes is yet another health problem that is known to affect millions of people all over the world. It is surprising but true how this one disease can completely change your life from someone who is enjoying various types of sugary food to someone who is completely of them and take to a very restricted diet. Those with severe diabetes cannot control the problem even with medication they have to take insulin everyday which can be really painful. Diabetes which cannot be controlled with just medication takes over life complete and restricts movements and daily activities.

Respiratory cancers are yet a very difficult type of health problem that is known to affect a large number of people.  It arises from habits such a smoking or getting exposed to hazardous fumes and chemicals. Those who do not live in a healthy environment or who are into smoking daily are at a risk of getting cancers that affect the respiratory system.

It is vital to be aware of various health problems so that you can find them out when needed, which will lead to a cure. Not understanding about the problem at all can lead to severe health conditions which when diagnosed at the last moment cannot be cured.

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