
5 Ways To Exterminate Mosquitoes


Have you been trying to avoid mosquitoes bites? Yeah, me too. Other than the fact that mosquitoes bite you, create soft bumps on your skin, cause your skin to itch. There are other serious problems caused by mosquitoes to people such as carrying diseases malaria, typhoid. They also pose challenges to our pets by transmitting heartworms. So you will an immediate control for mosquitoes, and to do this, you need to follow the solution step process in exterminating mosquitoes below.

  1.    Identification

The first step of exterminating mosquitoes is identification. What does a mosquito look like? A mosquito is about a quarter in size. Their color varies. Many people often mistake them for gnats; however, most people identified them for the domestic bite that they deliver.

  1.    Inspection

The second step is inspection. Why do we have mosquitoes in the first place? It is important to note that mosquitoes need some stagnant water around your home. As you walk around your house, look out for areas that will be conducive for holding water such as rain bucket, low elevation in the yard where the water does not drain well, potted plants, vast. All of these areas will need to be addressed.

  1.    Control

The third step process is control. We want to make we eliminate any water around our home or structure that we identified during the inspection process. For those areas we cannot water in our land, we will use a product called Altosid Pro-G. Altosid Pro-G is used to control the larva stage of mosquito.

It is scattered over any standing water around the home. When the larva stage is exposed to this product, it will die in the pupae stage, or if it matures into the adult, it will be genetically deformed so it cannot reproduce. For other areas for immediate control, we are going to use a product called reclaim IT.

Reclaim IT is designed to kill adult stage mosquito. In addition to applying that product, you can mix Pivot IG with it; which is an insect growth regulator. That will take off any larvae stages that we might have missed during the earlier application process. Chapin lawn sprayer is also an effective control means.

Spray this product around the lawn starting from the back of the house to the front and make you stay off the treated area until it dries. Pay closer attention areas around shrubs, ground cover, land mulch, leaf litters. These are the areas where adult mosquitoes like to hide during the heat of the day.

So ideally, you can make this application between 12-4pm. In addition to that, if you have a heavy mosquito infestation, you might consider a misting system. The misting system uses an automatic timer that delivers a specific amount of insecticides at whatever time you desire it, typically either early in the morning or late in the evening. However, getting rid of mosquitoes involves skills, especially when you want to protect the lives of your young ones. There is a need to hire a professional pest control exterminator near you; you get the opportunity to get advice from the pros, and how to efficiently exterminate mosquitoes and other pests from your home once and for all.

  1.    Prevention

The fourth and final step is prevention. Make sure you are diligent about removing the water sources around our home and structures. Mosquitoes are most active between 160C and 180C in water.  

  1.    Dry ice and Camphor oil

The carbon (IV) oxide we exhale attracts typically mosquitoes, which has made us quite vulnerable to them. It has been noticed that dry ice also emit carbon (iv) oxide. All you have to do is place some dry ice in a container and keep them some distance from the house. When mosquitoes have been attracted to the containers, close the lid. Camphor has the longest lasting as a repellent for mosquito, and they are very easy to come by. Light some camphor in a room for about 15minutes and your room will be free of mosquitoes.

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