
Things to know before using Anavar for cutting


Not all steroids are meant for bulking, and Anavar is one of them. This is a popular anabolic steroid that’s mainly used in the dieting/cutting phases. Mostly taken in the tablet form, Anavar is also a variation of testosterone and can mimic some of the effects of the male sex hormone. Wondering how to use Anavar? In this post, we will talk about dosage, usage and much more.

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Fact sheet for Anavar

Unlike many of the anabolic compounds, Anavar doesn’t have a lot of those unwanted estrogenic side effects, which includes bloating, water retention and gynecomastia. It is also capable of promoting the process of protein synthesis, which helps in maintaining muscle tissues. If you are a bodybuilder, you are probably more interested in the results than the science behind the working of these steroids. However, as with any supplement/steroid or drug, Anavar should be taken with extra care. It is also known by its medical name oxandrolone, although the name Anavar is more popular as a trade name. Please note that this is a prescription-only drug in the US. It simply means that it is not illegal to have British dragon Anavar tablets, but you will need a prescription to get it.

Dosage and side effects

Anavar is used for certain medical treatments, where doctors prescribe a dose of around 5 to 10 mg daily, depending on the facts of the case. Since we are talk about bodybuilding here, the dosages are slightly high. In general, bodybuilders take dosages anywhere between 15 mg and 25 per day. As with many other steroids, Anavar too is stacked with testosterone for bettering the results. The amount of testosterone taken with this steroid is anywhere from 200 to 400 mg per day. For the side effects, Anavar poses similar risks as with other steroids, such as liver damage and hormonal issues. Women using Anavar may face some side effects, such as menstrual cycle issues, growth of body and facial hair, and enlarged clitoris, while men mostly deal with frequent erections and potential issues with the libido.

Steroids, regardless of the name and type, should be always taken with care, and that’s an aspect that many people ignore. If you are new to steroids, always start with a small dose to see the effects of the steroid on the body. Also, don’t shy away from asking questions, especially when in diet. Your trainer should be able to help!


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