
Oxycontin Addiction & Families


Oxycontin is a synthetic opiate painkiller. It is normally used for those who are struggling with moderate to severe chronic pain. Most patients who have cancer, severe burns, bone pains, and heart attack are prescribed this drug. With the help of a doctor, oxycontin can be very helpful and useful to patients. Oxycontin is a schedule II narcotic prescribed only by a doctor, but unfortunately many prescriptions are being diverted and sold on the streets.

Oxycontin is a popular drug because of the euphoric feeling which comes after ingesting. The drug works similar to heroin in that it works on the reward center of the brain. The release of dopamine is what addicts are waiting for. Whenever a family member becomes addicted, one may hear this drug called by different names. Some of those street names are as follows.

  • Oxy
  • Oxycontin
  • “OC”
  • Hillbilly Heroin
  • Kickers

These are names one should listen for if they believe to have a loved one or friend becoming addicted to this powerful drug.

Oxycontin addicts will find any way to get the high they are looking for. They will crush the tablets, dissolve crushed pills in order to inject into a vein, snort, or chew the tablets. These people are looking to override the extended release to get the immediate high. Some addicts will add other drugs to increase the high they want. Usually alcohol or benzodiazepines are the culprits. When the high is wearing down, some addicts will use methamphetamine or cocaine to help control the side effects of withdrawal.

Oxycontin addicts get so caught up in the high they may not see what this addiction can do to their families. There are a lot of unfortunate effects which happen to families. The loss of relationships is number one. This loss can lead to divorces, loss of children, and extended families having to turn away from them. The families of addicts can be torn apart. A member of a family may become violent, lie, and steal in order to get their drug of choice. This can then lead to a person becoming homeless.

Oxycontin addicts don’t realize the importance of their family. Once the drug has taken over their life, they can’t see where their priorities should lie. Sadly, the road to recovery is long and hard for addicts. The withdrawal symptoms are not pleasant and because of the dependent nature of this drug, a relapse can easily happen.

The families of oxycontin addicts can help their loved one to overcome. When approaching that loved one, make sure the research has been done. Make sure all the knowledge needed is at hand. Be compassionate to what they are going through. Don’t attack with frustration and aggression. This could lead them deeper into the addiction. The support of friends and family are essential to the recovery of an oxycontin addict. Remember, an oxycontin addict is a person who needs compassion, love, and unconditional support.

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