
Here are the Different Stages of Hair Loss You Must Know


The fact remains that each one of us expresses unique concern about each type of hair loss. An increased amount of hair fall will definitely trigger an alarm that something is wrong. This will make you alter your habits or proceed to a hair specialist for a consultation. At this point, we are interested in unveiling the different stages of hair loss and how you can deal with each.

However, before that, let’s understand the cycle of the human hair.

The cycle of human hair is also known as the ‘hair growth cycle’. It is generally made up of three stages precisely known as Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. Let’s have a brief explanation on each;

  • The Anagen Phase

The anagen phase is known as the growth phase and generally remains active throughout the year. Hairs in this phase have cells that rapidly multiply and eventually generate hair bulbs. The bulbs will then new hair fibre which eventually pushes out the follicle. There you will have new hair.  

  • The Catagen Phase

This is described as the resting phase of the hair, but it will still remain attached to the follicle. During this period, the degeneration of the keratinocyte in the bulb will occur because cell division stops.

  • The Telogen Phase

Once the hair follicle enters the telogen phase, it will fall off as an individual washes the scalp or combs the hair.

This type of hair loss is normal and losing 100 hair follicles is rendered okay, but when it exceeds, your chances of undergoing a hair transplant in India in the future are increased.

Now let’s talk about the different stages of hair loss

  1. Normal Hair Loss/Hair Fall

This is when an individual loses between 40 to 100 hair follicles. These hairs randomly fall out from anywhere on the scalp, but won’t cause thinning or baldness.

  1. Thinning

Some individuals may realize a reduced density on the entire scalp and it is usually triggered by anaemia deficiency, hormonal imbalances, or a poor health. Treating the underlying condition can help a patient recover his or her hair.

  1. Minor Hair Loss at the Temples

This type of hair loss occurs at the temples and is usually insignificant.

  1. Receding Hairline & Thinning on the Vertex

This type of hair loss affects the hairline and also the crown region of the scalp. It is noticeable.

  1. Thinning on the Vertex, Mid Scalp & Frontal Region

This type of hair loss attacks all the different portions of the scalp and also manifests itself with a receded hairline.

  1. Moderate Baldness

This type of hair loss leaves behind fine hair strands and it may occur on the mid-scalp and the front region.  

  1. Noticeable Baldness

With this type of hair loss, the scalp remains with few hair strands on the top and front region. Automatically, with a receded hairline.

Hair transplant centres normally use the Norwood scale to determine a patient’s level of hair loss. Baldness levels basically differ and for those who desire a hair transplant, the surgeon has to first evaluate the donor region. It should be noted that your level of hair loss greatly determines your hair transplant cost in India, basing on;

  • The number of hair grafts to be extracted
  • The selected technique
  • The number of sessions required
  • The city or the location of the hair transplant centre

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